Traveling informed is traveling safer. In order to delight in a safe and worry-free tour abroad, the best recommendation that one can get is to prepare it well in advance so that it gives us time to get all the necessary information, carry practical luggage, and take all the necessary steps to get around.

The list of things to consider when you go on a voyage is often long, even endless. So it is easy to forget essential things.

Here is a list of some important things you should do before you go to help you.

Travel protection: Acquire insurance to travel abroad.

Getting medical care rapidly and with quality is the main problem faced by those who travel abroad, a difficult question to solve because they are not attached to a national health system. To simplify the task of locating the health center and avoid healthcare costs, which can be much more expensive than the cost of travel in many destinations, it is important, when not mandatory, to purchase international travel insurance that has 24-hour Assistance.

Travel insurance also assists and pays for other typical problems of foreign travel, such as loss or theft of luggage and documents, delays and cancellations of transport or cancellation of the trip, if before traveling we have a major problem that we prevent us from leaving

Travel health. 

Consultation in a travel health clinic can be useful before your departure. They will inform you of the risks related to your health, depending on your destination and the precautions to be taken. It is also an opportunity to check that your vaccines are up to date since some countries require you to be immune against a specific disease (proof to support) before letting you cross the border.

To avoid and face minor health problems, it will be necessary to include in our luggage some basic medicines or par pharmacy products: pain relievers, anti-inflammatories, sun cream or blows, stomach protector, or pills for diarrhea and poor digestion, etc. In case we are following a particular treatment. The ideal is to travel with a dose that goes beyond the duration of our stay by several days, in case any medicine is lost or damaged.

Passport copies.

If there is a travel document to remember, this is, of course, your passport. But what if it is lost or stolen? To prove your citizenship, you should put a copy of this precious document in your luggage and leave another one with a trusted person whom you can easily reach in case of problems. 

You can furthermore scan your passport and email the document to yourself or take a photo of the identification page and keep the document in the photo library on your smartphone.

Be located during your trip abroad.

Of course, we must record when we travel and where. It is vital to inform friends and family. It is also advisable to register in the Travelers Registry, where we can provide contact information so that we can be easily located in case of an emergency abroad.

It is advisable to inform Telephone Company of the roaming rates to be able to call and connect to the Internet at the destination. Depending on the duration of the trip abroad, we should purchase a SIM card from the destination country.

Check the currency conversion rate.

If the value of the Canadian dollar compared to its American equivalent or the euro is calculated fairly well, the conversion to other currencies is sometimes more complicated. What is the value of 200,000 Indonesian rupees? 900 Czech crowns? From 100 polish zlotys? Essential is information, to get a good idea of ​​the real price of what you are about to buy.

Keep documents and useful addresses and telephone numbers of the destination.

As a form of prevention, it is advisable to keep in a safe place (safe, cloud, etc.) originals and copies of travel documents: tickets, reservations, invoices, even brochures, and advertising of what we hire.

On the other hand, it is convenient that we keep a record of the telephones that we can use to solve problems during our trip abroad: police, emergency, travel insurance, hotel or Embassy and Consulates.

Cash and credit cards.

Make certain you always have cash in the local currency, as not all places accept credit card payments. You should also have credit cards from two separate issuing companies, as one card may not be accepted in one location, but another maybe. 

Also, remember to contact your banking institutions before your departure to inform them of travel advice. It will inhibit your cards from being blocked due to a fear of fraud.

Entry or exit charges.

Some countries require fees payable in cash and local currency to allow you to enter or exit their territory. So remember to inform yourself to plan the blow.

Know the rules and customs of the destination.

Learning basic expressions of the language of the country we will visit is never over. Knowing how to say hello, please ask, thank you, ask for food, help, phone or bathroom could save us on occasion.

It is also important to know the requirements for driving abroad, road safety regulations, how public transport works, what type of plugs are used, the ability to stay connected (mobile data and Wi-Fi) of the destination, and the hours of stores, banks, public offices or meals.

Buy attraction tickets in advance. 

Some do not like to impose or a route or a schedule, but the benefits of planning can be considerable. By purchasing tickets for the attractions you want to see in advance, you will not only avoid queuing once there, but some places also charge less for tickets sold online. Save time and money.

Get a travel guide. 

Whether in its traditional format (for lovers of scribbling) or digital form, the guide generally includes a geographic map, keywords in the local language, valuable advice as well as information as much historical as practical on sites you plan to visit. If the guides seem too expensive, consider going to the library. You can also buy one and resell it later.

Events during your stay. 

Remember to inform yourself about the important events and holidays that take place during your trip. This researches may allow you to have a better idea of ​​the traffic you will face and thus better plan your trip. 

Bring a power adapter. 

The essential little device if you want to “survive” your trip. You will be able to charge your smartphone, tablet, camera, and others, even if the electrical outlets are not the same as here. 

Clothes in your carry-on baggage

We don’t want that to anyone, but it’s a reality. Sometimes luggage arrives late or is completely lost. So bring some clothes in the bag or suitcase that will accompany you on board.


Crackers, nuts, and snacks, etc. In hand luggage (to eat on the plane) or in the hold suitcase (to help you wait between two meals once at your destination), snacks are also essential to provide. At the same time, you will avoid paying a fortune for your cravings at the airport.

Before traveling, we will check that our luggage is ready (number of packages, weight, and dimensions) and that we carry everything: documents, money, cards, mobile phones and chargers, plug adapters, medicines, tickets, and reservations, etc. We are now ready to travel abroad!

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